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Östra Roddistriktsförbundet
Östra Roddistriktsförbundet
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Sietse van den Nieuwenhuijzen

Name: Sietse van den Nieuwenhuijzen
Age: 25
Member of club: Akademiska Roddföreningen
Member since: September 2021

How and when did you find your way to rowing?
At the KTH* arrival day .

This year’s summer was filled with competitions for all levels.
Did you compete this summer? Which competitions? How did it go? How did it feel?
No, I did not compete, unfortunately.

The most important question: what made you stay?
I really like rowing and being on the water, working together with others.

The indoor season has just started for many of us. I will see you at next year’s Swedish Rowing Indoor Championships, right?
Perhaps, although indoor rowing is not my favorite.

*Admins anmärkning: KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan

Publicerad: 2023-01-30

Senast uppdaterad: 2023-05-22

Författare: Emma Söderman
